Banham Primary School is part of Co-operative Education East
As an academy, the school is held to account by a group of Trustees who delegate responsibilities to a Local Governing Committee via a scheme of delegation. This enables governors to focus on the teaching and learning aspects of school life and to take a focused interest in how the school functions.
The Local Governing Committee is currently made up of:
Chair of Governors:
Hannah Meek – Parent Governor – 18/03/2021 SEND, Pupil premium and Safeguarding
Julie Fletcher– Trust appointed Governor – 01/02/2022
Matthew Gamble – Headteacher – 01/01/2020
Marie Hales – Teacher Governor – 01/11/ 2023
Ben Evers – Governor – 01/09/2024
Julie Montagner – Governor – 01/09/2024
Laurie Smith – Parent Governor – 01/12/2018
Vicki Hackett – Parent Governor – 18/03/2021 Mental Health and Wellbeing
Dear Parents,
The Governing Body works very closely with the Headteacher and staff to ensure that the school is a happy and caring environment for the youngsters to learn in. We have established a friendly, family atmosphere where visitors are always welcomed to see us at work.
We do our best in the school to ensure that each child develops to their fullest potential, whatever their ability may be, because we value each child as an individual.
I hope we shall be seeing more of you in the future and that your child will enjoy coming to our school.
To contact me via email – please send to the Chair
Yours sincerely,
Julie Fletcher
Chair of Governors
All governors are required to declare an interest where they may make an appreciable gain from their role as a governor.
If you require any information regarding Governance and the Trust then please follow this link: CEE.Coop
Specifically this could include:
Annual Report
Annual audited accounts
Memorandum of association
Articles of association
Names of charity trustees and members
Funding Agreement
Relevant business and pecuniary interests