Statutory Information
School Performance Data
Given our small cohorts, data can fluctuate more so than schools with larger cohorts.
Full performance information for the school can be found on the Primary Performance pages of the website, here.
The school converted to be an academy on 1st November 2016 and on 1st October 2024 undertook its first Ofsted which you can view on the Ofsted website here.
Parent View gives parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think about our school on their website here.
Pupil Premium Information
The Pupil premium is a sum of money the school receives for each student who is either in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) or who has been in receipt of them in the past. Nationally, the statistics show that students who are in receipt of FSM do less well than their peers in external exams. The aim of this money is to try to close that attainment gap by allowing the school to direct additional resources towards these individuals learning.
We are required to publish how much Pupil Premium money we receive and how we have chosen to spend that money.
This additional money was been used to support individual or small group interventions for those children where needed, has funded extended schools provision for those families and been used to fund e.g instrument tuition. There was a demonstrably positive impact from the support put in place but due to the small numbers of children involved exact information will not be published here. This is in line with the DfE’s own approach on its website where the school’s narrowing the gap information has been ‘suppressed because the underlying numbers are too small’.
PE and Sports Premium Information
Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6. At Banham Primary School we want every child to succeed irrespective of their background. We want to increase the number of pupils who derive pleasure from sporting activity in and out of school. We want to provide the best equipment to support high quality competitive sport and other games. We want to make the playground a place where sport can be enjoyed by all.
We are required to publish how much PE and Sports Premium money we receive and how we have chosen to spend that money.
This means that all children have their PE teaching by well-trained professionals, and have access to a range of extracurricular sporting activities.
Please find attached our previous plans. Our current plan 21/22 will be published shortly.
Equalities information
Under the Equality Act (2010) we are required to publish annual Equalities data and Equality objective(s) every four years.
Number of children: 101 (2021)
Girls: 50; Boys: 51
Ethnicity: White British: 92; White and Black Caribbean: 3; Gypsy/Roma: 3; Portuguese: 1; Not Obtained/Refused: 2
Religion: Christian: 33; No Religion 33; Not Obtained/Refused: 35
Children with a Disability: 2
Due to small cohorts and groups, data varies from year to year, class to class.